Tokai park

This park is located in Tokai on the corner of Brocker way and Birchwood lane. I came across it a few yes ago while visiting a client in the area. It has the biggest
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play structure in Cape Town. I have driven pass this park about ten times and only once did I see a handful of moms and tots. Lots of trees and shade so it’s a great place to bring along a picnic blanket. I arrived at the park at 11h15 to an empty park.
About 11h30 a young couple arrived with their toddler. There are 3 benches, 8 swings, 1 long, 1 medium and 1 small slide. Tyres ropes chain ladders. Platforms of different heights. 11h45 and 2 ladies arrive with 3 toddlers. Looks like they’ve come prepared for picnic. It is a fantastic day for one, 21 degrees and only a slight breeze the sun is shining and not a cloud in the sky. 11h50 and another couple with 2 toddlers arrive. Nice atmosphere now. 3 rubbish bins that is either emptied regularly or people don’t litter here.
A small portion of the structure is damaged. I would say it’s a small percentage of the entire play structure. Big grassy area for the kids to run around and kick a ball. 12h15 another couple with a toddler and a older child. 12h25 a dad with his 2 boys and their bikes. Definitely a park that I will come back to, prepared.