Train Trip

Our Annual train trip from Muizenberg to Simons Town and back again with a spell at Long beach was enjoyed by all the children despite a strong wind that blew on the day. I never get tired of witnessing their delight at travelling by train.
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While at Simons Town station we encountered this Steam engine train.


I enjoy learning new things. My hobbies are photography, hiking, running, camping, fishing and combining all of them. I've created my own websites, restored a volkwagen beetle, owned a fleetline kombi which I also restored and drove to George and to Johannesburg from Cape Town on seperate occasions. I have a diploma in electrical engineering, subjects included electronics, electrical engineering, instrumentation and automatic control. I worked at Koeberg Nuclear Power Station on and off for 20 years. I travelled to the UK and did jobs like warehouse work, door to door sales, barman and cd manufacturing/screen printing. I owned a cleaning company between 1998 and 2006, doing carpet and upholstery cleaning, window cleaning, high pressure cleaning of roofs, paving and walls. I now own a daycare in Lansdowne. I volunteer my time to do the driving, maintenance and IT, website developer and occasional cleaner.